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Bowling Brawl is another short episode by Heroic Gaming.


Another episode showcasing the escapades between Lee and Ralph Martes, two mercenary brothers.

Lee gets sick of hanging out with Ralph all the time, so he takes it upon himself to fight him.


Like always and before, the episode will be told via transcript.

  • (The episode begins inside Lee's house in the Candy Streets. Lee is watching his television, which is programming static, which hints more towards Lee's cynicism. Lee also has in his hand a bottle of cold soda, which he decides to take a swig from. His flip phone rings, and he picks up. He looks to see that it's Ralph, his eldest brother, who lives across the road from him. Lee looks through the window to see Ralph on his own phone.)
  • Ralph: Brother, let's go bowling!
  • (We cut to Lee and Ralph in what appears to be a run-down pre-Mushroom War bowling alley. Lee and Ralph are in Lane 6. It's Lee turn, and he is preparing to roll the silver bowling ball, which leads to Ralph pulling a trick up on his sleeve...)
  • Ralph: Lee, your an itch!
  • (Lee rolls the bowling ball, which goes past Lane 6 and onto Lane 7. Lee got a strike on Lane 7. Ralph and a Laughing Lad he conjured start to laugh as Lee has a confused, dumbfounded expression on his face. Lee turns around to Ralph who immediately stops laughing and the Laughing Lad disappears.)
  • (Cuts to Ralph dropping Lee off to his house via a conjured car.)
  • Ralph: Thank you brother. We should hang out soon!
  • (Ralph teleports back to his house from across the road, then his car disappears. We then cut to the next day, where Lee is sitting on his couch, this time he is reading a tome. His phone vibrates in the left front pocket in his red jacket. Lee picks up, and no to surprise, Ralph is calling him.)
  • Ralph: Brother, I have not hanged out with you in a long time!
  • (Lee facepalms.)
  • Ralph: Let's play darts!
  • (Cuts to Lee and Ralph in the Soda Tavern. Lee is watching Ralph is telekinetically holding a giant dart. He launches it at the target which is smaller than his dart. The dart hits bullseye, but the target breaks upon impact. The tavern owner, Applesworth, runs towards Lee and Ralph, but Lee clicks his fingers, which they teleport outside of the store. Lee and Ralph run.)
  • (Cuts to the next day, Lee is on his phone.)
  • Ralph: Let's play some video games, bro!
  • (Cuts to Lee in Ralph's run-down apartment, which they are both playing a video game: RollplayCraft. Lee is controlling a character in a black hoodie and mask, wielding two daggers who is attacking Ralph's character; a red-clad character with a small-winged creature with him and a staff. Lee is repeatedly tapping and bashing the blue button, which causes Lee's character to throw a barrage on green knives, which defeat Ralph's character. Lee performs a fist bump gesture while Ralph looks in shock because of his first lost in his own game.)
  • (Cuts to the next day. Lee on his phone, this time with a frown. Ralph is, once again, calling him.)
  • Ralph: We should eat together!
  • (Cuts to Lee and Ralph in what appears to be a burger joint, where Lee is eating an arm of a human, while Ralph is eating a pizza. Lee then drinks a bottled blue soda.)
  • (Cuts back to Lee in his apartment. It is another day, and he is on his phone. Ralph calls him again. Lee dons the frown he had before.)
  • Ralph: You want to shoot some hoops?
  • (We cut Lee and Ralph outside in a basketball court. Lee has his jacket tied around his waist and Ralph is wearing a red tie around his forehead. Lee watches Ralph dribble the ball for a few seconds before dashing towards the hoop and slam dunking the basketball into the hoop. Lee picks up the basketball and throws it from a far distance, going through the hoop like it was nothing.)
  • (Cuts to later in the night. Ralph calls Lee again.)
  • Ralph: We should go and get drunk together!
  • (Cuts to Lee and Ralph in the same tavern they were in during the incident with the giant dart. Lee is drinking some strong sour apple juice like it was nothing, while Ralph is knocked out, his face on the counter. Applesworth notices them both.)
  • Applesworth: I know you two...your the ones who broke the... (Lee spits his apple juice and grabs Ralph and runs) HEY! GET BACK HERE!
  • (Lee teleports with Ralph, back to Ralph's apartment. Lee drops Ralph on the couch, then he teleports back to his own house. We then cut to the next day. Ralph calls Lee again, still donning the frown upon his face.)
  • Ralph: Brother, you must see a show here! How about it?
  • (Cuts to Lee and Ralph watching some show, with some other people in the background, all Candy people. Just some random stuff happening in it. Lee is sleeping throughout the show.)
  • (Cut to the next day. Ralph calls Lee, again, and Lee still has the frown. The background music starts to slowly speed up for what happens next)
  • Ralph: Let's go bowling!
  • (Cuts to Lee's ball again hitting Lane 7.)
  • (Cut back to Lee and Ralph on their phones.)
  • Ralph: Let's play darts!
  • (Cuts to Ralph destroying the target via telekinetic giant dart.)
  • (Cut back to Lee and Ralph on their phones.)
  • Ralph: We should eat together!
  • (Cuts to Lee and Ralph eating at the same burger joint. Lee is eating a leg and Ralph eats a burger.)
  • (Cut back to Lee and Ralph on their phones.)
  • Ralph: Let's play some video games man...
  • (The music gets sped up, and we witness a montage of events, from Lee beating Ralph on RollplayCraft, then both of them playing basketball, then both getting drunk on cider, then both watching another show, then Lee missing Lane 6, then Ralph destroying the target, and repeats them so on and so forth. Ralph calls in between events, repeating things like shooting hoops, or getting drunk, or watching whatever is on at the theatre, or bowling, or darts or eating burgers and limbs. Lee's expressions also change, from a frown to anger.)
  • (The montage ends with Lee throwing himself onto his bed. His phone rings atop of the bedside table next to his bed. Lee tosses the folder on his bedside table to grab his phone. Ralph is calling him.)
  • Ralph: Brother, it is the moment for us to spend some quality time together.
  • (Lee starts to become angry. His skin starts to turn into a bright, burning red.)
  • Ralph: How about that old 'human' past-time bowling?
  • (Lee screams in anger.)
  • Lee: Gahhhh! I can't stand this crap! (Lee throws his phone at the wall, causing it to conflagrate on impact. Lee is huffing and puffing out his anger.)
  • Ralph: Cool, brother. Another time then.
  • (Lee calms down. His computer switches on.)
  • Computer: You've got mail!
  • (Lee looks at the emails he received in his inbox. Lee looks at the computer in shock to see that all the emails were sent from Ralph. The subjects say "HEY LEE" on all of them. Lee clicks on the recent one on top. The message reads: "Let's go bowling!" Lee facepalms. He then conjures a sledgehammer and smashes the computer box, crushing it in one hit. The computer shuts down for a temporary moment before powering back up via backup power.)
  • Computer: You've got mail!
  • (Lee pushes a swivel chair in his computer desk and looks at his computer in disbelief. Another message from Ralph was sent. It read "Let's go bowling!". Lee presses the delete button repeatedly. However, Ralph keeps sending more messages onto Lee's computer.)
  • Computer: You've got mail! (Lee taps the delete button repetedly but in fury) You've got mail! You've got mail!
  • (Lee starts using both fingers to repeatedly and furiously tap the delete button, which finally deletes the all messages. The computer then opens up a video- chat program, and no surprise, Ralph is trying to contact him through video-chat. Lee opens up Ralph's contact. The screen shows Ralph, also on his computer, with a grin on his face.)
  • Ralph: Let's play darts!
  • (Ralph pulls out the same giant dart from past events and throws through the computer screen and at Lee. It just misses him and instead hits the wall. Lee gets back up and looks at his computer.)
  • Lee: Ralph, I should have never read your stupid emails and stayed away!
  • Ralph:. Another time, then. Call me!
  • (The camera slowly zooms into Lee's eyes. Furiously, Lee grabs Ralph out of his computer.)
  • Ralph: What is going on? (Lee is holding Ralph by the neck) What the hell are you doing?
  • (Lee throws Ralph onto the ground and slams the back of his head on the ground. Ralph then retaliates.)
  • Ralph: (Kickes Lee off him) Maniac!
  • (Ralph gets up. Lee is now on the ground. But then Lee's eyes caught sight of the lamp post next to him. Lee gets up and grabs the lamp post. Ralph is running towards him.)
  • Ralph: You suck balls!
  • Lee: (Runs towards Ralph) You're pathetic!
  • (Our big fight ensues. First, Lee swings swings the lamp post at Ralph, but he ducks. Ralph attempts to kick Lee, but Lee dodges, and performs a roundhouse kick on Ralph's face, causing Ralph to fly across the room and hitting the wall. Ralph gets back on his feet and flies towards the open window, trying to escape. Ralph gets stuck in the window, and is trying to break free.)
  • Lee: Try and stop me, axe hole!
  • Ralph: Screw you, maniac!
  • (Ralph manages to squeeze through the window and escape, landing on a dumpster in the back alleyway. Lee looks through to window to find Ralph, but sees Ralph get up and run down the alleyway to the from of the house. We then cut to Ralph trying to open Lee's car with his car keys, but then Lee kicks the door of his house entrance open. Ralph manages to open the door and steal Lee's car, and drives off.)
  • Lee: (Sighs) Screw it...
  • (We then cut to Lee running on the rooftops of the buildings in the Candy Town, and runs after Ralph who has his car and is getting away from him. Lee jumps down to another building rooftops and lands via a roll. He runs across the rooftop, and is close to Ralph's car. Lee gets close to Ralph's car, and makes a daring jump off the building. Lee lands on the roof of Ralph's car, managing to surf on it. Ralph is passing the streets of the Candy Kingdom's streets. Lee thrusts his hand into the roof of his car, blocking Ralph's view, causing him to drive uncontrollably, before they crash into an office building. Ralph lands in the lobby behind the lobby desk. He grabs a monitor and throws it towards Lee, which Lee reacts quickly, and roll-jumps in the air, grabbing it and throws it back at Ralph's face, hitting him towards the door behind him on impact. Lee charges toward Ralph in anger with his fist up to Ralph's face, but Ralph is trying to stop him.)
  • Ralph: No, no, no, no!
  • (Lee punches Ralph's face, breaking the door on impact. Ralph lands on the ground, but Lee picks him up and slams Ralph's face on the table. Ralph then retaliates by fliping Lee over him, but Lee throws Ralph into the next battle area: the unisex restroom. We then see Lee walk into the restroom to look for Ralph. A vibrating sound comes from Lee's pocket. It's his phone. Lee picks up.)
  • ???: Hey man, it's me!
  • (Lee's phone grows a fist which punches Lee in the nose.)
  • Voice from the toilet box: (evil laughter)
  • (Lee stares at the toilet box in anger and crushes his phone. He begins to search under every toilet box.)
  • Lee: No.
  • (Lee looks underneath another toilet box.)
  • Lee: Nah-uh. Motherfu...!
  • (Lee looks at the open toilet box in front of him, and no one is there.)
  • Ralph: Come on, Lee, don't arrest the family again! (Ralph's voice echoes as Lee looks under another empty toilet stall.)
  • (Ralph's head pokes out of a urinal. Lee sees him.)
  • Ralph: Your a genius! (Ralph throws a large bowling ball at Lee's face, knocking him onto the ground.) You always were good handling big balls!
  • (Lee looks towards Ralph. He flips himself up off the ground and into the air, grabs Ralph by the head and flip-throws him onto the ground.)